As an empty nester myself, I understand the unique challenges women face at this stage in life.

After dedicating 18+ years of energy, time, and love to our children, their departure often leaves a profound void. Many moms experience deep loneliness and start to question their purpose.

I offer valuable and positive solutions and resources for empty nester moms both locally in the New England area and virtually nationwide!

Amy hugging a fellow empty nest mom

Join Our Community
Rediscover your purpose, connect with others, and embrace this new chapter with joy and fulfillment.

Empty Nest Moms Meet-Up Group
(New England)

Join our vibrant in-person meet-up group in Massachusetts and surrounding areas. Empty Nester Moms is a supportive community where you can participate in fun activities and enjoy life! We host monthly events including dinners, walks, movies, and lunches.

Better Together Facebook Group

Join our free Facebook Community where we connect, share our experiences, and learn from each other during this new time in our lives.