When I was turning 60, I knew it was time to start a new chapter in my life.

I realized that as women, we are naturally other-oriented. It’s easy for us to put our time, love and resources into everyone else. I yearned to help other women discover their own worth and focus on themselves and their goals. And I realized, if not now, when?

My children were grown and I was torn between continuing to be a driving force in their lives and giving them space to figure some things out on their own. Starting a new vocation was my answer. I could still parent, but also create something new for myself that would also help others.

My purpose, 5 years later, is to bring women together and enhance their lives with trips, in person events and a unique community.

In the process, I can guide them to focus on themselves and what they want. It’s not enough to set goals, you have to accomplish them too. That’s how you build confidence and joy in your life.

I’m interested in each woman I meet. I want to learn her story and what she is looking forward to. So many of us forget to really value what we have already done and the skills and traits it took to do it. My goal is for women to feel better about themselves and their lives than they did before we crossed paths.

Amy pointing to a lilac mug that says "you do you"
Amy talking to two other women, one with dark hair, one with gray hair
Amy holding a giant hourglass

Join Me To:

  • Gain confidence

  • Find your direction

  • Learn the tools you need to move forward

  • Expand your circle

  • Become part of a welcoming community

  • Experience new ideas and activities

  • Take the wheel to make your goals a reality

Join Me To:

  • Gain confidence

  • Find your direction

  • Learn the tools you need to move forward

  • Expand your circle

  • Become part of a welcoming community

  • Experience new ideas and activities

  • Take the wheel to make your goals a reality