Amy and her mom Gwen posing for a selfie, with a standing ovation behind them

As My Mother Always Says

This unique book is now being published sharing the amazing life of my 93 year old mother. Over the last many years I found myself often saying to friends and clients, “As my mother always says,”. I would then fill in the remainder of the sentence with one of the many life lessons my mom has shared with me in my adulthood. 

My mom, Gwen, was a young widow at 42. She faced the quick and untimely death of my father while my brother and I were still in high school. She pulled herself out of her grief and chose to go back to school to get a masters degree in Social Work. In the process she created a thriving bereavement center in the late 1970's in Long Island, NY. This experience readied her to help hundreds of 911 widows and their families after that global tragedy.

The book includes facets of her life story,  while focusing on her Lessons Learned along the way. As a women’s coach, I also weigh in on these lessons and challenge the reader to discover how to put them into action.

If you’ve heard my mother speak at one of our in person events, you too have probably been impacted by her story and her outlook on life. Our book will be available soon so, tap the button below to find out when YOU can order your copy!